Sunday, May 13, 2007

The most compelling and most influential person that we have learned about this year, in my opinion, would have to be Martin Luther. I might think this just because i recently studied him, but even so I still think he was the most amazing and compelling by far. His teachings are still studied to this day! It seems like his life was full of non-stop action and someone was always on his tail because he spoke his mind almost too often. Martin Luther's main accomplishment was the Reformation of the Catholic church. He thankfully ceased the selling of indulgences which might even be around today if it wasn't for Martin Luther. Though Martin Luther was excommunicated on June 15, 1520, he is still remembered for all the great things he has done to this day.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Queen Elizabeth I had a very troubled childhood. Her Mother was disgraced and executed while Elizabeth was very young, her life was never to be the same afterwards. Elizabeth was also a very troubled teen. Elizabeth and a boy by the name of Thomas Seymour had a relationship that was to say the least contraversal and looked down upon. This gave Elizabeth I a bad image. Another very controversial move by Elizabeth was the decision to not marry. She had so many options but none struck her fancy and she made the decision to not marry. Elizabeth died died in Richmond Palace on March 24, 1603 at the age pf 69.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

The first blog that I will be critiquing is very well done and all of his links work perfectly. It is direct and to the point and very easy to read. The second blog was also very well done. He gives tons of information on his subjects and you can even learn a whole subject by just reading his blogs. It was incredibly well done. The third blog was done with little effort and it was mediocre. It is missing many links and gives little to no information. The fourth blog I am critiquing was not spectacular but it definitely wasn't horrible either. He gave enough information so that you can tell that he knew alot about each topic. It was a very decent blog. The final blog is one of the better blogs. He gives great information and his links send directly to the page with the exact information that you need.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

The main event that occured on the year 1517 was Martin Luther nailing his 95 Theses to the church door. He completely disagreed with the Roman Catholic Church's selling of indulgences and this was his way of expressing his anger. Luther's Reformation has impacted the church since, and it might have even saved the whole church.

-enjoy the music on link #5!!!!

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Martin Luther was born on November 10, 1483. The center of his work was based upon the Bible. He was a German Theologian. At 18 years of age he entered the University of Erfurt and after graduating he began to study law. Later in his life, he lad one of the biggest church reformations ever, the Protestant Reformation. This was the main achievement in Luther's life, and it still has an impact on the church of today.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

The Medici Family were the richest family in all of Italy. In the 13th Century they began to get very wealthy. In the 14th Century their wealth once again steadily increased. In 1383 though, their wealth decreased dramatically.
Out of the Medici family came three popes. Leo X, Clement VII, and Leo XI.
The first Duke of Florence als came out of the Medici family. Alessandro de' Medici was the first duke of Florence, and was assassinated in 1537.

"The appeal to the Florentine's to overcome the enemy(very likely Milan) subtly associated the Medici family with the liberty of the citazenry while disparaging the dukes of Milan as tyrants."-pg 309

Rosenwein, Barbara. A short History of the Middle Ages. Broadview Press: NY, 2002.

"The tendency developed even in the Florence, where after 1434 the Medici family held an even more overt control of the Republic."
Thompson, Stephen P. The Renaissance. Greenhaven Press, Inc: San Deigo, 2000.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Leonardo Da Vinci really first became an artist in the year 1469. Leonardo worked in the workshop of Verocchio, but was quickly a better artist then him. In his eraly twenties, Leonardo was already incredibly famous.
The Mona Lisa was Da Vinci's most famous paintings and might even be the most famout painting in the world. It was painted on poplar wood in the 16th Century. On August 21st 1911 the Mona Lisa was stolen. It was stolen on a Monda, but nobody noticed it was gone until noon the next day.
Some people who have studied the Mona Lisa for a very long time, actually saw a resemblance between Mona Lisa and Leonardo Da Vinci. Some say it is actually a self portrait of himself. It will never be known for sure.
To this day, The Mona Lisa has a room of its own in the Louvre and will most likely never be stolen again.